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Yoga Zone – Yoga for Weight Loss

February 27, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Movie/DVD

Yoga Zone – Yoga for Weight Loss

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5 Responses to “Yoga Zone – Yoga for Weight Loss”
  1. Anonymous says:

    I love the Yoga Zone series in general, but this particular one completely stresses me out! The instructor is horrible. He overtalks, is way too hyper, and talks more about what NOT to do rather than the correct poses.
    Rating: 2 / 5

  2. Kathy Wright says:

    Instructor’s voice is not peacecful, and he cannot pronounce the word which I probably cannot spell but have heard many times: “Namaste. ” Poor cinema and sound. Camera angles are not very professional and do not vary much. Check out Rodney Yee’s videos and compare. They are much more engaging. I have watched this twice and have no interest in doing it. Time goes slowly. It is very regimented and no fun. After the first session, there is a meditation. The script is good, but who gestures during a meditation? Far to American for this confirmed Anglo! There is a bonus session at the end that gives very good detailed info on proper positioning, but you are asleep or angry by the time you get there.
    Rating: 2 / 5

  3. Anonymous says:

    I loved the first Yoga Zone series. I liked this instructor when I taped several shows from the television series. I found this tape very repetious. I felt like I was doing the same thing over and over and could not wait for the tape to end. I bought this tape based on good reviews from other customers, what a disappointment.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  4. Reviewer says:

    This moved way too fast for a beginner who knows virtually nothing about yoga. I completely disagree with another reviewer who said the instructor took time to fully explain the poses. Using the warrior pose as an example, I heard nothing about the correct positioning of the feet and would have done it wrong if it hadn’t been for ALan Finger explaining the form correctly on another DVD.

    Strangely, the woman who was doing the more advanced version of the exercises appeared. . . failing a politically correct way to say this and coming from someone who does NOT enjoy looking at supermodels in a workout, heavy-set and undefined enough to make me take notice, – an oddly unmotivating choice for a DVD supposedly focused on weight loss. Other issues – there was a great deal of bending forward which I found completely unsuitable for a bad back.

    I fast forwarded to the bonus section which, though I haven’t tried yet, seemed like it should have come first.

    I also have YogaZone’s Beginning Yoga DVD by Alan Finger, which is vastly superior to this.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  5. V. Paduch says:

    This dvd really makes you sweat. I am so impressed with how easyto learn but challenging this dvd is. It doesn’t matter who you are you can do yoga. Love to switch this up with Yoga Zones Sunrise & Sunset Dvd.
    Rating: 5 / 5

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