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Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off!

April 4, 2010 by Jill Edmonds  
Filed under Weight Loss Tips

If a weight loss program sounds too good to be true then it probably is! There are so many false promises out there that it is easy to be seduced into thinking its the answer to your weight loss problems. The fact is you simply cannot lose weight by just drinking a potion or taking a pill and you certainly wont lose weight by doing just 5 minutes of exercise on some new piece of equipment that is being advertised. If you want weight loss and want to keep it off you need to have the right mindset to start with. Losing weight then keeping it off and being healthy is something that you want to have for life.

How many of you start a new ‘diet’ nearly every Monday? You binge on the weekend, feel sorry for yourself by Monday and then go on a ridiculous starvation diet that wrecks your metabolism and makes it even harder to lose weight in the future. Trust me, none of the fabulous fitness professionals you see in the magazines do it this way, so why do you?

Never skip breakfast. Yes, you’ve heard it before and probably were told this endlessly as you were growing up, but your mother was right! Eating a healthy breakfast will set you up for the rest of the day both in terms of energy and mindset for eating well.

It is important to get a variety of nutrients at each meal. You should include protein, carbohydrates and “good’ fats at every meal. When eating vegetables makes sure you choose a variety of colored vegetable to ensure a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Include weight training as part of your routine. This is essential for both men and women and the most effective method of losing weight because the more lean muscle you have the faster and more efficient your metabolism. It is also essential for improving your bone mineral density which deteriorates as we get older leading to brittle bones.

Don’t forget to include some cardio training for your heart and lung health as well. Interval training is the most effective method for fat loss. Simply put this means pushing yourself in sprint mode (whether it is on a bike, walking, swimming etc) for a set period of time eg: 1 minute then reducing the effort for 1 minute then repeating.

Whereas any exercise is good exercise you should be aiming to include exercise for at least 1 hour a day. This doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym each day. You can choose to do some outdoor activities or mix up your training with a walk or bike ride so you don’t get bored. Exercise is a science so don’t ignore the importance of getting some expert help when you need it. A trainer can quickly spot the areas you need to work on and give you the best exercises to suit your goals so you wont be wasting your time doing the wrong exercises.

Simplicity as in most things is the way to go if you want to lose weight and keep it off for life. Dont be hooked into fake promises that will only rob you of your money. Instead, eat healthy unprocessed foods and include daily exercise and you will be well on your way of having a fantastic energized body, for life!

How would you like to finally lose weight and get into the best shape of your life? Make sure you checkout Jill Edmonds’ fantastic personal training online, and free newsletter full of great tips on losing weight the right way!

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One Response to “Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off!”
  1. Savvy article Mrs. Edmonds,

    in fact you mentioned the three components of the “perfect weight loss/management plan”:

    1 – Mindset
    2 – Complete nutrition
    3 – Training

    While expanding on the second, I found particularly interesting the
    metabolic typing approach.
    I would be interested in your opinion: do you deem the division between
    carb, protein, and mixed types valuable?



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