Weight Loss Diet World - Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Bean Elite Combo and Flex 10 Ultimate Abdominal Exerciser

May 24, 2011 by admin  
Filed under Fitness Equipment

  • Work your entire body at home with no pain
  • Includes side handle for added exercises and support
  • Comfortable shape supports your body while the rocking action does all the work. exercises
  • Made of industrial club strength PVC puncture resistant vinyl
  • Includes inflation pump, instruction manual, health book and a work-out DVD

Product DescriptionThe Bean Elite is an all-in-one workout tool that offers the benefits of a stability ball, incline bench and back pain rehab device all rolled into one product. The ultimate exerciser to shape and tone your body The Bean. . . More >>

The Bean Elite Combo and Flex 10 Ultimate Abdominal Exerciser

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