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Tai Chi for Weight Loss

February 19, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Movie/DVD

  • Let David Chang, National Martial Arts Champion and Tai Chi instructor, guide you to a higher level of well being. David Chang has 17 years of Martial Arts experience and was the National Men’s All -Around Martial Arts Champion in 2001. Tai Chi for Fitness provides you with the program you need to get in shape through gentle exercise. Low impact, gentle on the joints, yet fun and challenging,

Product DescriptionLet David Chang National Martial Arts Champion and Tai Chi instructor guide you to a higher level of well being. David Chang has 17 years of Martial Arts experience and was the National Men’s All -Around Martial Arts Cha. . . More >>

Tai Chi for Weight Loss

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One Response to “Tai Chi for Weight Loss”
  1. Sifu David Chang is one of the best teachers I have ever had the pleasure to learn from even if it is only by watching him on a DVD. He is a gifted teacher and truly masterful Tai Chi Chuan master. His flexibility and control are remarkable. Please give him a try. Even for intermediate to advanced practitioners may use this for a great workout of authentic Tai Chi postures and movement. The DVD would have ranked higher if it had had a little more history about Tai Chi and especially Sifu Chang’s history and how he got started, his background. All in all a great DVD that keeps giving way past the dollar amount which is paltry compared to the $45. 00 dvds I have seen some other teachers’ DVD’s selling for. Bravo Sifu Chang, Do jie, Do jie! Ho Gong Fu Tai Ji Quan!
    Rating: 4 / 5

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