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Hula Workout for Beginners: Basic Hula/ Hula for Weight Loss

May 16, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Movie/DVD

For Beginners Join Kili on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii and experience a creative Hula Workout for Beginners. Kili has designed this program to allow the beginner to learn a choreographed hula dance a. . . More >>

Hula Workout for Beginners: Basic Hula/ Hula for Weight Loss

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5 Responses to “Hula Workout for Beginners: Basic Hula/ Hula for Weight Loss”
  1. So much fun!!!! Very easy moves that actually make you feel like you worked out!! great dvd!
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. Anonymous says:

    This fitness workout is challenging and fun. If you have never done any hula, you’ll be surprise how fun it can be. This workout teaches you some basic hula steps and intensifies the workout with other fitness moves. The background is in beautiful Maui and the instructor is excellant. Hula is much harder than it looks and can give you a great alternative to your everyday workout.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. Rosie says:

    1: To get full benifit from these DVDs I recomend buying an aerobic dance DVD and learning all the moves they do, then mentally subtracting them from Kili’s routine so you have a more-or-less authentic version of hula technique.

    2: Although the music is cheesey (a lot) it is authentic Hawaiian. . . post Elvis. If you can stand it, the music gives clues to how the arms function in relation to lyrics although the tune is more American ’60s pop than Island ballad. Kili’s other DVDs (Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout for Beginners: Cardio Hula) use drum choruses and the story-telling gets lost without context.

    3: Kili is filming in Hawaii. Its 80* or so, her muscles won’t need to warm up or cool down as much as those of us who spend our Wisconson winters dreaming of tropical dance parties. Run those sections twice.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  4. I bought this series for something extra and fun to add to my workouts but what I got was an annoying dvd that I never use.

    The workout is not exactly low impact but it also doesnt get your heartrate up enough to really be effective. The music is bad, the production is bad and the instructor is really annoying.

    Skip it.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  5. Lena, LMT says:

    Most of the moves were authentic, her style of teaching was great & easy to follow, the workout style/use of time was great, but the dance routine itself was a bit silly w/cutsy 60s music & added 60s american dance moves but still have a lot of authetic hula dancing.

    Her new “Island Girl” hula workouts are more authentic. Just like her other ones, you get a great workout, your abs burn, your hips, legs get a nice workout. It’s all authentic dance moves with some added quick squats, etc. added in so you barely notice it for adding toning. The authentic drum Hawaiian music is beautiful & does keep you stimulted too keep going just like a dance/rock beat would.

    I had no trouble following & learning the steps, there are plenty of dance DVDs that I have had trouble with, but she breaks everything down well & shows it slowly several times before speeding it up. She even cues YOUR left & right, not hers.

    There’s a trailer for her “Hula Workout” DVDs & another authentic Hula workout like this called “Island Girl: Hula Abs & Buns” at collagevideo. com
    Rating: 3 / 5

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