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Goodbye, Fatty! Hello, Skinny! How I Lost Weight And Still Ate The Foods I Loved-Without Dieting

March 8, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Book

Product DescriptionIs this you? You go on a diet, you lose a little weight, you stop dieting, you gain back more weight? Do you go through an endless cycle of counting calories and watching everything you put into your mouth but nothing ev. . . More >>

Goodbye, Fatty! Hello, Skinny! How I Lost Weight And Still Ate The Foods I Loved-Without Dieting

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5 Responses to “Goodbye, Fatty! Hello, Skinny! How I Lost Weight And Still Ate The Foods I Loved-Without Dieting”
  1. J. Shuhala says:

    I returned this book after flipping through a few pages. I was not inspired or impressed by the tactics in this book.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. Montanasky says:

    I was looking for a good read on how to lose about 10 pounds the easy way. What the author doesn’t tell you in the title is :It took her 2 years of eating this way to lose weight. Sorry ,but who has 2 years!!! The book offers no real solution that any person would not pick up on. Example: drink tons of water, cut your food portions in half, and exercise. Doesn’t every weight lose program know to man or should I say woman know this information. The author repeats and repeats and repeats this information in every single page. I found the book boring and did not gain one ounce of insighful information.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  3. Maria Tejeda says:

    I think this book is just ok. I have to say that I wasn’t very impressed with it. It is someone telling us how she lost the weight but I didn’t find it too credible nor interesting. I returned the book.
    Rating: 3 / 5

  4. W. Dunleavy says:

    I bought this book thinking it was going to be something new and different. Finally a book that wasn’t a diet book! BAH! there is absolutely nothing in this book that we all dont know already. Nothing! Dont snack, drink lots of water, exercise. anyone who has ever even thought about losing weight knows everything that has been written is this book. I read the book in one sitting and it took less than an hour to read it. for me this book was a total waste of both my time and my money! i would not reccommend buying this book at all. . . . . there are many, many more books out there that will help much more than this one ever will.
    Rating: 2 / 5

  5. Jun Park says:

    I was really inspired by the author’s weight loss story and her struggles to initiate the weight loss. It’s helped me take stock of what I need to do so I can shed some extra pounds. I also thought that her laid back attitude and humorous ancedotes helped me to take it less seriously.
    Rating: 5 / 5

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