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100 Weight-Loss Tips that Really Work

September 24, 2010 by admin  
Filed under Book

The best diet advice all in one place – Atkins, The Zone, South Beach . . . who has the time and money to try each new diet to figure out whether they really work? Now you don’t have to. Diet, nutrition, and exercise. . . More >>

100 Weight-Loss Tips that Really Work

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5 Responses to “100 Weight-Loss Tips that Really Work”
  1. L. Miller says:

    This book basically gives you the best of various diet plans. Some of the tips give suggestions for healthy snacks, and others just give common sense ideas for losing weight. It’s the type book you pick up and start reading anytime, anywhere. . . just pick a page, and you’ll get some good ideas. I actually enjoyed it enough to buy a second copy – for a friend who is also health conscious. This is one I would highly recommend for anyone seriously considering trying to lose weight!
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. interesting and boring all at the same time. You will pick up this book a few times and then never do it again. Not worth it to me.
    Rating: 3 / 5

  3. If you’re looking for a book that explains simply and concisely how to lose weight, and keep it off, this book is for you. Dr. Stutman debunks some of the latest fad diets (e. g. Atkins, South Beach, etc. ), while at the same time giving you the skinny on the only proven way to permanent weight loss.

    The cornerstone of this book is straightforward and simple: for permanent weight loss, you have to eat healthful, nutritious foods AND burn off the extra calories with exercise. There is really no way to escape this fact, and Dr. Stutman does an excellent job of explaining in further detail what specifically you can do to: a. ) improve your diet, and b. ) get the appropriate level of exercise to keep the weight off.

    There’s a lot of good information and tables in this book. Also, the fact that it condenses this information within 100 Tips makes it easy to pick-up and read at your leisure. In fact, you don’t need to read the book in any particular order. However, keep in mind that there will necessarily be some points that are repeated over and over again as a result (but I found this to be helpful in reinforcing what I’ve already learned).

    Overall, I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. This book was full of very useful and informative tips on how to loose weight.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. J.Z. Potter says:

    This book contains quite a few good weight loss tips, and in some ways it would deserve a 5-star review, except: the author often contradicts his own statements. For instance, one chapter is “Go Nuts Over Nuts,” extolling the virtues of nuts. Later, he designates mixed nuts as the “best of the worst” when forced to choose between snacks, noting that they’re fattening. Worst? I thought you just said they were good a few pages ago. Another example: a chapter called “Fat Makes You Fat!” describes the perils, according to him, of consuming fat, including egg yolks. Later, the author states that egg yolks are OK.

    Make up your mind, Sir. It’s almost as if two or more authors collaborated on this book and didn’t check what the other(s) were including. Despite some sound advice, most people will end up confused as to what they should actually do to lose weight per the suggestions in this book.
    Rating: 3 / 5

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